Whether it’s been a while since you’ve seen your parents or you are able to visit them regularly, would you know if there was a problem with them living independently?  You might not. Sometimes the signs are subtle and don’t fully arise until bigger problems occur.

Early Action

The best time to help your loved ones stay living independently is by catching problems in the early stages when they might still be able to be helped — a stage known as interdependence (the time between fully independent living and fully dependent living). Failing to do so can create a snowball effect, developing into a worsened situation that might require them to leave their home and any remaining independence.

Signs of a Problem at Home

Here are some of the top signs to look for on your next in-person visit:


If you notice something awry but not life-threatening with your parents at home, use this time to start conversations about how they might need some help with bill paying, home organization or even managing doctor’s appointments or home contractors. Having this conversation could be the difference in keeping them in their homes longer.

Life Managers & Associates manages the details of life with the same care as a loving family member to enable clients to live independently. We help them feel safe and supported — saving money and alleviating stress for all.