6 Ways to Support Independence at Home

Many elders are vulnerable, isolated, alone and often feel afraid. Together we can keep them safe, encourage a sense of community, and quell their fears.

We have put together a list of activities that your clients or family members can engage with to help them maintain their independence. Each activity supports a different area of independence: cognitive, physical, financial, emotional, social and purpose.


Mind Matters:
Puzzles, Reading and Art (Sketching, Adult Coloring Books)
Stay busy and away from the television, independently!


Independence Tip:
Warn seniors to beware of Telephone Scams,



Dance Party:
Your favorite song in any location! Turn on the music and start moving in your chair or standing in place, get the blood flowing. 


Independence Tip:
Encourage movement throughout the day.



Mail Sorting & Shredding:
Now is a good time to get organized! Fill an empty box with items to be shredded. For shredding guidelines visit the FTC.


Independence Tip:
Encourage seniors to keep all their unpaid bills in a safe spot.



Story time:
Connect elders with grandchildren for story time – in person or virtually. It may also give parents a welcome break from entertaining their children.  If the kids are too small to read, try singing or saying nursery rhymes.


Independence Tip:
If you don’t live close by, Zoom or Facetime allow for face-to-face interaction. 


Video & Phone Calls- Stay connected by inviting the extended family to pick a time slot over the next few weeks to reach out to your loved one. 


Independence Tip:
Signup Genius or a family calendar offer ways to be sure your loved one has someone new each day reaching out. 



Trip Down Memory Lane:
This Memory Lane exercise is a two-way street. Seniors pick photos from around their home and write a story to their kids/grandkids and vice versa. 


Independence Tip:
To help limit the feeling of isolation, encourage family members to check in on their seniors daily.