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Financial Management

Taxes: A Trigger to Seek Help

It may be a stark realization or a gradual inkling, but as we age, the day may come when it’s clear that assistance is needed to manage daily life. This moment can be both daunting and humbling. Often it arises from physical (loss of mobility due to a fall) or cognitive (increasing forgetfulness) decline, or significant life events like the death of a spouse. At these times, an area that [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:29:49+00:00January 28th, 2025|Financial Management|Comments Off on Taxes: A Trigger to Seek Help

It’s Medicare Open Enrollment – Understand the Process and Make Good Decisions

Every year from October 15th to December 7th, Americans over the age of 65 have the option to change their Medicare supplemental insurance. Anyone who has ever navigated the Open Enrollment process knows that this can be confusing. As the adult child of an aging parent, you would be well served to understand the process and recognize red flags. The Medicare Open Enrollment Period Generally, Americans turning 65 must apply [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:30:08+00:00October 3rd, 2024|Financial Management|Comments Off on It’s Medicare Open Enrollment – Understand the Process and Make Good Decisions

The Struggles of Tax Preparation with Elderly Clients

Is this scenario familiar to you? Your aging client did not provide you with the documentation you needed to meet the April 15th deadline, so you filed an extension. Now, the October 15th deadline is approaching, and you still don’t have the information that you need. Filing taxes is a complex task for many, but for elderly clients, the process can be particularly daunting. Let’s look at some scenarios we’ve [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:30:16+00:00August 30th, 2024|Bill Paying, Financial Management|Comments Off on The Struggles of Tax Preparation with Elderly Clients

Simplifying Finances: Practical Tips for Staying Organized and Managing Money as You Age

As we age, it can be increasingly challenging to stay organized, manage finances, and keep up with responsibilities. Often, this can be attributed to a combination of cognitive, physical, and lifestyle factors that evolve over time, making tasks that were once routine feel more burdensome. Cognitive decline can make it harder to remember due dates for bills, keep track of important documents, and navigate technology. Physical health issues, such as [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:30:24+00:00August 8th, 2024|Bill Paying, Financial Management|Comments Off on Simplifying Finances: Practical Tips for Staying Organized and Managing Money as You Age

Getting the Most from Your Parents’ Long-Term Care Policy

Decades ago, your parents purchased a long-term care (LTC) policy. They have invested tens of thousands of dollars – or more – to give them the peace of mind that when and if they need it, the policy will cover the cost of their care. The policy has sat, untouched, for all this time and now your parents are ailing, and they are not sure how their policy works. It’s [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:30:31+00:00July 9th, 2024|Aging In Place, Financial Management|Comments Off on Getting the Most from Your Parents’ Long-Term Care Policy

Beyond Estate Planning Documents: The Importance of Conversations between Clients and their Agents

A standard practice when drafting estate documents is for an attorney to ask their client to name someone they can trust to make important decisions including those regarding financial, legal, and healthcare matters when they are unable to do so for themselves. Of course, choosing the appropriate person is critical. But what happens when the client has no immediate family members or close friends available or nearby? It gets complicated. [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:30:39+00:00May 3rd, 2024|Aging In Place, Financial Management|Comments Off on Beyond Estate Planning Documents: The Importance of Conversations between Clients and their Agents

Collaborative Strategies to Help Professionals Complete Year-End Tasks with Elderly Clients

The end of the year is a frenzy of activity for financial and legal professionals as you rush to assist clients with maximizing retirement contributions, minimizing tax bites, facilitating donations, reviewing estate plans and so much more. Completion of these tasks can become more challenging as your clients age. As professionals who work with seniors, whether you are an attorney, financial advisor, or you provide support in the home as [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:31:01+00:00December 7th, 2023|Aging In Place, Bill Paying, Financial Management|Comments Off on Collaborative Strategies to Help Professionals Complete Year-End Tasks with Elderly Clients

Who’s Paying Attention to the Details?

Richard* is an affluent retiree living on his own. He’s in his mid-80s and appears fine physically but he’s starting to slow down and make some mistakes. Richard’s daughter, Meg,* knows this and keeps tabs on her dad by checking in regularly either on the phone or in person. One day, Richard has a fall which requires a trip to the emergency room and he’s subsequently admitted to the hospital. [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:32:17+00:00October 5th, 2022|Financial Management|Comments Off on Who’s Paying Attention to the Details?

How to Start the Conversation with Your Parents About Their Finances

It’s normal to worry about your parents’ financial future if they haven’t filled you in with any specifics. You know that with aging comes declining physical and cognitive abilities. And you want to make sure they’re financially protected for the long term as they move through their golden years. But broaching the subject about their current and future finances is far from easy. It can seem like you’re intruding in [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:25:14+00:00August 23rd, 2022|Financial Management, Uncategorized|Comments Off on How to Start the Conversation with Your Parents About Their Finances

When a Client Dies, Who Helps with the Surviving Spouse’s Affairs?

It can be heartbreaking when one of your clients dies and leaves a grieving spouse behind. During this sad and often tumultuous time, it’s hard for some surviving spouses to know how to move forward amidst their grief. As you know, after a spouse dies, there are many tasks that have to be tended to. Luckily, they have you as an advisor who can point them in the right direction [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:25:49+00:00January 26th, 2022|Bill Paying, Caregiving, Financial Management|Comments Off on When a Client Dies, Who Helps with the Surviving Spouse’s Affairs?
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