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Navigating the Digital World: Making Technology Work for You as an Older Adult

In this highly digital age, technology has become an integral part of daily life, offering numerous benefits that can significantly help older adults successfully age in place by enhancing health, quality of life, and social interactions. However, many seniors often find themselves hesitant or uncomfortable with using modern technology. This discomfort can stem from a range of factors, including a lack of familiarity, confusion over technical jargon and complex interfaces, [...]

By |2024-06-13T18:04:23+00:00June 10th, 2024|Independence|Comments Off on Navigating the Digital World: Making Technology Work for You as an Older Adult

From Couple to Caregiver: How to Seek Help Without Losing Independence

We have often remarked that the age at which a senior begins to decline physically and/or cognitively is different for everyone. And we’ve acknowledged that even the mere thought of deterioration is nothing anyone enjoys thinking about. But, perhaps the most jolting situation occurs when one spouse/partner of a vibrant couple becomes suddenly incapacitated or loses the ability to live as actively as they had in the past. In many [...]

By |2023-11-07T18:59:38+00:00November 7th, 2023|Caregiving, Independence|Comments Off on From Couple to Caregiver: How to Seek Help Without Losing Independence

Living Well with Wellness

When we think of “wellness,” often our thoughts turn to physical health. We think of a nutritional diet and exercise. But wellness, as a concept, is more encompassing than how our bodies feel day-to-day. Striving for wellness also includes mental, emotional, social, and financial well-being. And, while holistic wellness is important at any age, as we get older, practicing wellness can allow us to not only live longer, but also [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:31:19+00:00August 11th, 2023|Aging In Place, Independence|Comments Off on Living Well with Wellness

Preventing the Fight for Independence from Becoming a Battle of Wills

July is the month we celebrate independence. As we age, living life on our own terms takes on greater significance. Yet while everyone wants to be independent, the reality is, if you do not plan for it the price of independence becomes too steep for all involved. It is often adult children that are left with a HUGE mess. Consider this scenario. Mom and Dad retire and move to a [...]

By |2023-07-11T20:57:21+00:00June 20th, 2023|Aging In Place, Independence|Comments Off on Preventing the Fight for Independence from Becoming a Battle of Wills

Mental and Physical Health Go Hand in Hand

It’s practically a universal truth: If you are in a good mental state of mind, you’re more inclined to be active and exercise. If you are well and fit, your mind feels sharper and more focused. Mental and physical health are equal partners. The need for that balance grows even stronger with age. The Circular Relationship between Physical and Mental Health For an older person, physical decline - be it [...]

By |2023-04-28T17:14:58+00:00April 28th, 2023|Independence|Comments Off on Mental and Physical Health Go Hand in Hand

Accessible Living: Advance Planning Creates a Practical, Stylish Home

What comes to mind when someone says the word “accessible” in the context of aging in place? Does it conjure up images of an institution? A sterile environment? An accessible home, when given the right foresight and consideration, can be just as “homey” as any non-accessibly transformed home. Sadly, however, either due to the fear of creating an unattractive environment or the natural tendency to ignore a decline in health [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:31:58+00:00March 3rd, 2023|Aging In Place, Independence|Comments Off on Accessible Living: Advance Planning Creates a Practical, Stylish Home

Smart Technology: The senior’s comfort level is key

For many of us, it’s hard to remember when our phones weren’t our constant companions. When Google couldn’t give us the answer to any of our questions. For the younger generation, this is all they have ever known. They are malleable and adapt well to new things. For an older generation, while smart phones and Facebook allow them to keep in touch with their grandchildren, going out of those bounds [...]

By |2023-02-13T16:33:01+00:00February 10th, 2023|Independence|Comments Off on Smart Technology: The senior’s comfort level is key

How to Start the Aging-in-Place Conversation with Your Parents

Are you an adult child of parents (or a parent) who want to age in place — who don’t want to leave their home? Are you concerned because you are not sure if this is the best option for them? You’re definitely far from alone. As we’ve mentioned before, about 90 percent of Americans 65 and older wish to live out their golden years in their home for as long [...]

By |2022-07-22T17:42:38+00:00July 21st, 2022|Aging In Place, Independence|Comments Off on How to Start the Aging-in-Place Conversation with Your Parents

What Daily Money Management Services Can Do

Barbara is 86 years old and recently widowed. Her husband of 65 years handled all of the mail, bill paying and filing. Now, she is saddled with a pile of paperwork and bills that need to be paid. She is overwhelmed and realizes she needs help. But Barbara doesn’t have any nearby family who can assist her — her closest family member lives about three hours away. Barbara knows if [...]

By |2022-06-27T16:01:24+00:00February 25th, 2022|Aging In Place, Bill Paying, Independence|Comments Off on What Daily Money Management Services Can Do

What Happens When an Older Adult Has No Children to Help?

Across the globe, nearly 40 percent of older adults (aged 60 and older) live with extended family who are there to assist them when they need it. But in the United States, older people are far less likely to live this way. In fact, only about 6 percent do, according to a study by the Pew Research Center. This leaves a large proportion of older adults either living on their own [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:32:35+00:00November 13th, 2021|Independence|Comments Off on What Happens When an Older Adult Has No Children to Help?
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