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Bode Hennegan

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So far Bode Hennegan has created 61 blog entries.

Beyond Estate Planning Documents: The Importance of Conversations between Clients and their Agents

A standard practice when drafting estate documents is for an attorney to ask their client to name someone they can trust to make important decisions including those regarding financial, legal, and healthcare matters when they are unable to do so for themselves. Of course, choosing the appropriate person is critical. But what happens when the client has no immediate family members or close friends available or nearby? It gets complicated. [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:30:39+00:00May 3rd, 2024|Aging In Place, Financial Management|Comments Off on Beyond Estate Planning Documents: The Importance of Conversations between Clients and their Agents

Beyond Tidiness: Exploring the Essential Benefits of Spring Cleaning for Seniors

Spring cleaning is a time-honored tradition that becomes even more important as we age. In fact, there are numerous aging-in-place benefits beyond just neatening up your living space. Let’s look at how applying some elbow grease now can help you maintain your independence. Safety Clutter and disorganization can create perilous situations for seniors. Cords and loose rugs can become tripping hazards. Items tucked away on high shelves can induce a [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:21:56+00:00April 3rd, 2024|Aging In Place, Organization|Comments Off on Beyond Tidiness: Exploring the Essential Benefits of Spring Cleaning for Seniors

Navigate Sensitive Conversations: 10 Tips for Connecting with Aging Parents

You are seeing signs of decline. Maybe it’s a lack of sharpness remembering things. It could be unsteadiness on a flight of stairs. The alarms in your head tell you that you need to talk to your aging parent(s) about the realities of their future living and care situation before a crisis arises. It is rarely an easy conversation. But, to ensure that your parents can maintain their independence for [...]

By |2024-04-03T17:47:23+00:00March 11th, 2024|Aging In Place|Comments Off on Navigate Sensitive Conversations: 10 Tips for Connecting with Aging Parents

Steps in the Journey to Age in Your Own Home

For many seniors, the ability to remain in their home for as long as possible is a priority. For some, the set up and supports may already be in place, but for others the question becomes how do you achieve it? Determining the feasibility and longevity of that goal is a multi-step process. It requires older adults and family members to analyze the current and future potential living conditions to [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:30:47+00:00February 14th, 2024|Aging In Place|Comments Off on Steps in the Journey to Age in Your Own Home

Embrace Independence: Introducing Our Aging in Place Consulting Service

Everything we do at Life Managers & Associates is dedicated to helping seniors maintain their independence. Advance planning is the key. Over the past twelve years of supporting older adults, we have experienced it all. We started in 2012 managing the administrative and organizational needs of our clients to make it easier for seniors to tackle day-to-day activities – enabling independence. During this time, we have seen families that have [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:30:54+00:00January 8th, 2024|Aging In Place|Comments Off on Embrace Independence: Introducing Our Aging in Place Consulting Service

Collaborative Strategies to Help Professionals Complete Year-End Tasks with Elderly Clients

The end of the year is a frenzy of activity for financial and legal professionals as you rush to assist clients with maximizing retirement contributions, minimizing tax bites, facilitating donations, reviewing estate plans and so much more. Completion of these tasks can become more challenging as your clients age. As professionals who work with seniors, whether you are an attorney, financial advisor, or you provide support in the home as [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:31:01+00:00December 7th, 2023|Aging In Place, Bill Paying, Financial Management|Comments Off on Collaborative Strategies to Help Professionals Complete Year-End Tasks with Elderly Clients

From Couple to Caregiver: How to Seek Help Without Losing Independence

We have often remarked that the age at which a senior begins to decline physically and/or cognitively is different for everyone. And we’ve acknowledged that even the mere thought of deterioration is nothing anyone enjoys thinking about. But, perhaps the most jolting situation occurs when one spouse/partner of a vibrant couple becomes suddenly incapacitated or loses the ability to live as actively as they had in the past. In many [...]

By |2023-11-07T18:59:38+00:00November 7th, 2023|Caregiving, Independence|Comments Off on From Couple to Caregiver: How to Seek Help Without Losing Independence

Interdependence and the Impacts on Estate Planning and Financial Planning

Over the past several decades, advances in healthcare have extended our life expectancies. New smart technologies have enhanced our ability to remain at home for a longer period as we age. What was a stark line in the sand that indicated the need for care has become blurred. There is now a time in between. A time when our minds and bodies are slowing down, but our ability to remain [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:31:09+00:00October 4th, 2023|Interdependence|Comments Off on Interdependence and the Impacts on Estate Planning and Financial Planning

Understanding Aging in Place: Why Planning Goes Beyond Care Management

When a person thinks about planning for aging in place, they often think of the medical piece first.   Care management, i.e., medical advocacy, medication management, coordinating care including aides to assist with activities of daily living, are critical to maintaining a senior’s well-being. But successfully aging in place goes beyond a person’s medical management. How to maintain an older adult’s personal affairs and their home are equally important. A senior’s [...]

By |2023-11-07T18:56:40+00:00September 6th, 2023|Aging In Place, Bill Paying|Comments Off on Understanding Aging in Place: Why Planning Goes Beyond Care Management

Living Well with Wellness

When we think of “wellness,” often our thoughts turn to physical health. We think of a nutritional diet and exercise. But wellness, as a concept, is more encompassing than how our bodies feel day-to-day. Striving for wellness also includes mental, emotional, social, and financial well-being. And, while holistic wellness is important at any age, as we get older, practicing wellness can allow us to not only live longer, but also [...]

By |2025-02-27T19:31:19+00:00August 11th, 2023|Aging In Place, Independence|Comments Off on Living Well with Wellness
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